Wednesday 5 December 2012

Evaluation of my websites

Evaluation of my websites

During the making of my mobile and browser website for shock and awe there has been lots of problem and setbacks.
The main program that I used was adobe Dreamweaver I found that it was a very useful software that is very user friendly and can give you an quick and easy website without the hassle of hand coding. A lot of things have gone well but a lot of things have delayed the production process. Overall I am very happy with the overall outcome of both of my website but there are a few things that I would like to have done if I had managed my time better.
  The areas of my website that I like are the animated banner at the top of the page and the glowing font on my information page. I really like the animation as it is nice and simple yet it looks professional. I like the look of the outer glow that I put onto my information page as it stands out and catches the viewer’s attention.
The few things that I would like to have changed are the rollovers on the information page and the area around the embedded video on the video page.
As I had to make one of my pages on ‘textwrangler’ so that I could hand code it I did not know the code for rollover images meaning that on my hand coded page there is no glowing text rollover that are on the other three pages.
  When embedding my video onto my page it came with great difficulty as I previously had an area for the video with a glow around it when I put the video onto the page it didn’t quite fit properly, leaving a black square around the outside. If I had managed my time better I could have re adjusted the video and the images around it so that it would look more professional.

Glossary of Key Terminology in web design
























Tuesday 4 December 2012

Articulate the differences between desktop and mobile web experiences and what it means for designers

When developers design a website they have to take into consideration the device or machine that the website is going to be viewed on. as all mobile devices have different screen sizes and resolutions it is very important for them to cover every size so that everybody can enjoy the full experience that the website is intended to portray.
   it is also very important for developers to consider different browsers when making a website as there are a wide variety of browsers that all have individual styles and prefixes.
   recently new softwares using an auto detect have been able to recognise what device you are viewing the website on using javascript and it automatically changes the website to the suitable size and resolution for the device.

Animated Banner

Here is a sketch of the animated banner that i am going to put onto my website.

I am going to make this animation using adobe director.
I am going to design a simple black textured banner for the top of my page and the logo and the words 'shock and awe' will tween into position on the banner. I feel this idea is simplistic but will look professional.