Monday 13 May 2013

Final Major Project Proposal

For my FMP (Final Major Project) i want to focus purely on the 3D module. I want to create a fantasy world projected onto a wall from the first person view, i want the user to be able to control the view using the directional arrow pressure pad on the floor.

The equipment that i will need for my project will be a projector to project the view onto the wall, a mac to run the software and i plan on making the pressure pads myself using some tutorials that i have found on the internet.

below is a video and a written tutorial of how i plan on creating them.

A example of the pressure plate i want to make

To create the landscape i want to use 3DS max as i have a free student copy of the software and as i am comfortable with the software there are lots of handy tools within the program to help create a complex landscape quickly.

With the landscape i want to create a very dense forest leading up to a large scale model of the welsh 'Raglan Castle' .

as for the design of the castle i am planning on collecting up a large amount of images and sketching up a plan on the castle before modelling it.

i want to make it as realistic as possible adding textures lighting and complex shapes using editable mesh.

A View from the entrance of raglan castle
when exploring the landscape i want the user to feel that they are able to 'free roam' around but i still want them to walk in a linear path so they end up at the castle.

as for controlling the view i want to have a set up as shown below.

a 3rd person view of how i want my FMP to be set up.

another view from the side.