Wednesday 24 April 2013

Liam's Comic Document

When creating a comic there as various steps that the creators go through to create the end result.
The first step is done by the scripter/s, there job is to create the story and draw up the initial storyboards.
They start by creating brainstorms for large groups of people on possible stories and ideas. once an idea has been chosen they go deeper into the idea explaining characters scenes and dialogue. depending on the how strict the scripters are depends on how leanant the pencilers can be when creating the imager for the comic.

Once the Story has been set out it is the pencilists job to draw the outline of the images creating the initial comic layout.

An Example of a comic page that has been peciled out read for the inker.

    When all of the pencil drawings have been done for the comic the inker goes over the line pencil drawing, defining the lines adding definition and shading as shown below. the line drawing as created with black ink either digitally or with a fine black inking pen.

an Inker at work

 Once all of the lines have been inked the coulorist adds the coulor and any other small detail before it is published. below is an example of a semi finished comic scene that has been both lined and then coulored.

a Semi Finished/Coloured Comic Scene

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