Thursday 27 June 2013

FMP Evaluation

Overall i feel that my FMP has been a major success, i feel that if i had put in more time in i could have made a few improvement, but the overall turnout i am very pleased with.

The areas that I am particularly happy with are the lighting cameras and textures in the scene as I learnt a lot of the techniques mid project.

Before modelling my scene I researched into the castle and I collated a large collection of Images together so that I had something the refer to when modelling. I think this benefited me a lot as when I needed information on where and 'what bits went where' I had something to look back too.

There aren't many things that I would have changed but the main thing I'd have liked to improve the surrounding scenery.
     This was a big thing for me when modelling, i wanted the castle to sit nicely inside a forest and to feel as if it fit within the scenery.
   I tried a few methods of creating some scenery with trees and shrubbery, but due to some RAM limitation I couldn't render out enough trees for it took look decent without the program crashing on me so I ended up settling with raising the landscape up into a hill and adding a sky backdrop with very minimal vertices.

In my proposal I stated initially that I wanted the user to be able to control the view of the castle using pressure pads. Although I am disappointed that I couldn't follow through with this idea I feel that the idea I put in its place did the model itself, a lot of favours.
     With the set camera paths I could add empathy to the movement making the movement very smooth and pleasing to the eye.

There were many changes throughout the project that cast both negative and postive changes onto the project but from the finished project view they turned out mostly beneficial.
    For example with the scenery as there were a lot less vertices the end footage could be rendered out a lot quicker and the video ran alot smoother because of it.

Throughout the making of my model I learnt a lot of complex techniques that I didn't know before hand which helped me a lot in developing my skills in general. So as for time scale I am pleased with how long it took me considering I knew a lot less than I do now when starting the project and on my next project I can carry those techniques on to reduce the overall project time.


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