Sunday 30 June 2013

Things to do to complete FMP

finishing rendering final video
Mount onto a disc
Create DVD cover
Create visuals for DVD cover
Make sure all written work is done

FMP Proposal
Idea development and sketches
2 reviews of Project so far
Evaluation of FMP

Thursday 27 June 2013

FMP Evaluation

Overall i feel that my FMP has been a major success, i feel that if i had put in more time in i could have made a few improvement, but the overall turnout i am very pleased with.

The areas that I am particularly happy with are the lighting cameras and textures in the scene as I learnt a lot of the techniques mid project.

Before modelling my scene I researched into the castle and I collated a large collection of Images together so that I had something the refer to when modelling. I think this benefited me a lot as when I needed information on where and 'what bits went where' I had something to look back too.

There aren't many things that I would have changed but the main thing I'd have liked to improve the surrounding scenery.
     This was a big thing for me when modelling, i wanted the castle to sit nicely inside a forest and to feel as if it fit within the scenery.
   I tried a few methods of creating some scenery with trees and shrubbery, but due to some RAM limitation I couldn't render out enough trees for it took look decent without the program crashing on me so I ended up settling with raising the landscape up into a hill and adding a sky backdrop with very minimal vertices.

In my proposal I stated initially that I wanted the user to be able to control the view of the castle using pressure pads. Although I am disappointed that I couldn't follow through with this idea I feel that the idea I put in its place did the model itself, a lot of favours.
     With the set camera paths I could add empathy to the movement making the movement very smooth and pleasing to the eye.

There were many changes throughout the project that cast both negative and postive changes onto the project but from the finished project view they turned out mostly beneficial.
    For example with the scenery as there were a lot less vertices the end footage could be rendered out a lot quicker and the video ran alot smoother because of it.

Throughout the making of my model I learnt a lot of complex techniques that I didn't know before hand which helped me a lot in developing my skills in general. So as for time scale I am pleased with how long it took me considering I knew a lot less than I do now when starting the project and on my next project I can carry those techniques on to reduce the overall project time.


Drawn Work - FMP

Below is a diagram of raglan castle that i drew up from observation ive also added a path in which i want the camera and added a key at the top ive added coulor and shading.

Observation Drawing of Raglan Castle

Here are some sketches of some of the points of raglan castle that ill be modelling.
The First sketch (Left) is one of the castle towers and the second sketch is an interior wall from the inside of the castle.

Equipment and Budget List - FMP

My Initial Equipment List
Visual Cables
Pressure Pads (Home Made)
Tape (to secure cables to floor)
Desk for Computer

As my Project is now complete screen based i will no longer need the Pressure pads.
i have arranged to borrow a Mac and Projector From the college taking this away from my budget
but if i was to do this independently i would have to consider these two major parts.

My Budget will be almost free as i am borrowing everything that i am using all that i will need to supply is the tape and a table for the mac and projector to sit on.

Raglan Catle Progress Review 3 - FMP + Health and Safety Doc

3rd Progress Review

I would have liked to give the user the ability to control the movement but it is not reasonable with the time that i have remaining.
  So due to time restraints i am going to scrap the pressure plates and i am just going to add a camera with a path to the scene that will fly through and over the castle.

also due to rendering difficulties i am having trouble adding the forest surrounding the castle so that will also have to be scrapped but will give me more time to focus on the realism and general moddeling of the castle itself.

Health and Safety Bit

Initial my project was a bit touchy with health and safety as it involved movement and i would have had to secure cables and leads so that the environment is safe but as i have cut the pressure pad idea i still have to keep the area clear so no injuries occur but there will be less chance of this happening.

another procedure that i will have to consider is that as the animation will be played on a screen notices will have to be put up to inform potential viewers not to watch the animation for long periods of time because it may damage there eyes.

i also have to consider myself within health and safety and try to restrict myself from long periods of time in front of the computer when creating my animation.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Raglan Castle Progress Review 2 - FMP

Since my last review i have done a considerable amount of model and i've added a fair amount of textures and lighting to add to the realism.

My Castle so far...

Another type of lighting to make the castle 'moodier'.

Currently i am fiddling with the cameras and the lighting making it look as realistic as possible.
i have also created some image manipulated versions of my castle using adobe photoshop.

First Image Created in Photoshop

in this image i have added dark areas to the brick and added an intense back drop to add detail.
i also lower the coulor and saturation in this one so that it fit with the almost black and white back ground.

Second Image Created in Photoshop
in this image i focused more on the castle cutting the background out adding an outer glow and changing the banner material, experimenting with a few effects and textures.

Raglan Castle Progress Review - FMP

So far my project is coming along nicely, ive finished my proposal and i've began on modelling raglan castle.
as a refrence i have collated several images from various sources to give me a good idea on the scale and design of the castle.

Here is the mood board i have put together so that i can refer back to it during modelling.
i have drawn up a basic ariel view design and added a key showing where i want the cameras banners and other features of the castle.

as for moddeling i have began to build the front entrance of the castle as shown below.

Initial Pillars and Entrance
in the coming days i plan on moving on to the front walls and adding some of the interior to the courtyard.

Monday 13 May 2013

Final Major Project Proposal

For my FMP (Final Major Project) i want to focus purely on the 3D module. I want to create a fantasy world projected onto a wall from the first person view, i want the user to be able to control the view using the directional arrow pressure pad on the floor.

The equipment that i will need for my project will be a projector to project the view onto the wall, a mac to run the software and i plan on making the pressure pads myself using some tutorials that i have found on the internet.

below is a video and a written tutorial of how i plan on creating them.

A example of the pressure plate i want to make

To create the landscape i want to use 3DS max as i have a free student copy of the software and as i am comfortable with the software there are lots of handy tools within the program to help create a complex landscape quickly.

With the landscape i want to create a very dense forest leading up to a large scale model of the welsh 'Raglan Castle' .

as for the design of the castle i am planning on collecting up a large amount of images and sketching up a plan on the castle before modelling it.

i want to make it as realistic as possible adding textures lighting and complex shapes using editable mesh.

A View from the entrance of raglan castle
when exploring the landscape i want the user to feel that they are able to 'free roam' around but i still want them to walk in a linear path so they end up at the castle.

as for controlling the view i want to have a set up as shown below.

a 3rd person view of how i want my FMP to be set up.

another view from the side.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Liam's Comic Document

When creating a comic there as various steps that the creators go through to create the end result.
The first step is done by the scripter/s, there job is to create the story and draw up the initial storyboards.
They start by creating brainstorms for large groups of people on possible stories and ideas. once an idea has been chosen they go deeper into the idea explaining characters scenes and dialogue. depending on the how strict the scripters are depends on how leanant the pencilers can be when creating the imager for the comic.

Once the Story has been set out it is the pencilists job to draw the outline of the images creating the initial comic layout.

An Example of a comic page that has been peciled out read for the inker.

    When all of the pencil drawings have been done for the comic the inker goes over the line pencil drawing, defining the lines adding definition and shading as shown below. the line drawing as created with black ink either digitally or with a fine black inking pen.

an Inker at work

 Once all of the lines have been inked the coulorist adds the coulor and any other small detail before it is published. below is an example of a semi finished comic scene that has been both lined and then coulored.

a Semi Finished/Coloured Comic Scene

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Describe the applications and practice of DVD menu design and authoring with some appropriate use of subject terminology

DVD menu's are used to navigate between content and settings on a DVD.
a general DVD menu consists of a play button, setting button and commonly a scene selection button all labeled accordingly making it very easy to navigate.

The Scene Selection menu usually consists of various stills of the full movie of which you can select and navigate to that stage of the movie/footage and a button to return to the home page.

Here is and example of a scene selection menu

Settings pages usually consist of many options/tweaks that enhance your viewing experience such as volume, brightness, language settings, subtitles and additional features.

It is important for DVD's to have subtitles as some people are hard of hearing or speak different languages. having this option on a dvd means that these people get to enjoy the footage, opening the dvd out to a larger audience.

Additional content can include behind the scene footage still images, directors cuts and comments.

When creating a dvd menu it is important to make a relevant DVD disc cover, typical content that is usually printed onto a disc is imagery such as the title the age restriction copyright content and relevant advertising imager.

Here is an example of a DVD that has been printed onto displaying the typical information and imagery.

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Understanding Principles of Digital Video Technology

In the media industry it is important to know about all types of technology and how it is applied.
when creating media there is more than one way to do it and there are a lot of variations in the process.

When shooting film in its raw form it is very large and there are many ways for it to be shared.

Because of the shear quantity of videos that are on video hosting sites such as they have to have  there own way of compressing the video so that it can be stored at the smallest file size as possible put still clearly viewed over the internet via streaming.

A CD (compact disc) is a disc used to store audio only and can store up to 'around' 80 minutes of uncompressed audio.

A DVD (digital versatile disc) can hold both audio and video and has a huge storage capacity of just under 5GB on average. most DVD's that are created are called DVD ROM's these are disc that have the media embedded into them. with a DVD ROM once the disc has been burnt, you cannot re-write over it, but with a DVD RW you can rewrite over the media on the disc multiple times.         

There are two different types of compression rates one is lossy and one is lossless.

when a video or image is compressed at a lossy rate some of the information/imagery is lost.
this is because the program looks at the image/video's pixels and if there are similar colours close together it will discard all but one of the colours so that there is less date to keep.

on the other hand you can use lossless compression which keeps all of the data this type of compression is used in image file types such as PNG and GIF.

When compressing media onto a disc there are several different file types that you can use which have
there own unique positives and negatives, so it is important to choose the right one that suites the end product that you are looking for.

Mpeg 1 (Moving Picture Experts Group) is used for 'easily transferable' video clips specifically for cameras and camcorders.
   The Mpeg 2 was a very common file type used in the late 90's and is so important as it was used as the selected compression scheme for 'over the air digital television'.
   Mpeg 4 is a very common file type that uses a more complex coding to achieve a larger compression rate than MPEG 2.
   flash files are commonly used over the internet on websites such as
 Avi was introduced in  november 1992 by microsoft and can contain both video and audio.